Longtancunella chengjiangensis



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门: 腕足动物门

纲: 奇里贝纲

目: 未定

科: 未定


种: 澄江龙潭村贝

描述: 该种大多标本呈簇生。壳瓣薄,略微凸起,外轮廓呈近圆形。壳瓣表面无壳饰。刚毛短而稀疏。在手标本中,可见长约2毫米的刚毛沿壳瓣边缘分布。在少数标本种,可见触手冠残余。肉茎粗短,一般不超过10毫米;末端略微收缩,呈锥形;从壳瓣腹侧底部伸出。在个别标本中,可见肉茎上的环纹。


Phylum: Brachiopoda Schindewolf, 1955

Class: Chileata Williams et al., 1996

Order: uncertain

Family: uncertain

Genus: Longtancunella Hou, Bergström, Wang, Feng & Chen, 1999

Specie: Longtancunella chengjiangensis Hou, Bergström, Wang, Feng & Chen, 1999

Description: This brachiopod mostly occurs as clusters conjoined by the pedicles. The shell is thin, slightly convex and elongated sub-circular in outline. No ornament has been seen on the shell surface. Sparse, delicate setae are evident along the mantle margin, extending 1–2 mm beyond the edge of the shell. In some cases, the remnants of a pair of lophophoral arms are preserved. The mantle canal preserved as grooves on the shell. The pedicle protrudes from a hole located in the umbo region of ventral valve. It is robust, less than 1 cm long and tapered. In some specimens, these wrinkles are clear and appear to be fairly strong.


时代: 寒武纪,第二统,第三阶

主要产地: 中国云南省澄江生物群

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian, Series 2, Stage 3

Principal localities: Chengjiang Lagerstätten, Yunnan Province, China


Zhang, Z.F., Shu, D.G., Han, J. & Liu, J.N. 2007. A gregarious lingulid brachiopod Longtancunella chengjiangensis from the Lower Cambrian, South China. Lethaia, Vol. 40, pp. 11–18.
Zhang. Z.F., Holmer, L.E., Ou, Q., Han, J. & Shu, D.G. 2011. The exceptionally preserved Early Cambrian stem rhynchonelliform brachiopod Longtancunella and its implications. Lethaia, 44, 490–49

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