Eoobolus malongensis



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门: 腕足动物门

纲: 舌型贝纲

目: 舌型贝目

科: Eoobolidae


种: 马龙舌型贝




Phylum: Brachiopoda Schindewolf, 1955

Class: Lingulata Gorjansky & Popov, 1985

Order: Lingulida Waagen, 1885

Family: Eoobolidae Holmer, Popov & Wrona, 1996

Genus:Eoobolus Matthew, 1902

Specie: Eoobolus malongensis (Rong, 1974)


Shell ventro-biconvex, ornamented with radiating trails of pustules; Ventral valve acuminate, with apical angle; ventral pseudointerarea close to orthocline, triangular with prominent deep, parallel-sided pedicle groove; dorsal valve rounded oval in outline; dorsal pseudointerarea with broad, shallow and narrow, almost parallel-sided median groove; Pedicle densely annulated.



主要产地: 云南东部,包括昆明的大摩峪和高娄房段,武定县的石江郡和沙坡山段,以及马龙县的坎福清段。

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian, Series 2, Stage 4

Principal localities: Eastern Yunnan, comprising the Damoyu and Gaoloufang sections in Kunming, the Shijiangjun and Saposhan sections in Wuding county, and the Kanfuqing section in Malong county.


Zhang, Z.F. et al. 2005. Morpho-anatomical differences of the Early Cambrian Chengjiang and Recent lingulids and their implications. Acta Zoologica (Stockholm), 86, 277–288

Zhang, Z.F. et al. 2020. The oldest ‘Lingulellotreta’ (Lingulata, Brachiopoda) from China and its phylogenetic significance: integrating new material from the Cambrian Stage 3–4 Lagerstätten in eastern Yunnan, South China. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology.

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