Paradiagoniella conica



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 多孔动物门

纲: 六射海绵纲


科: 原始海绵科


种: 锥形似斜纹海绵







       根须明显,4 根纵向单轴针略有弯曲,长4.9~5.8mm,直径0.03~0.04mm。延伸出海绵体基部约2mm。


Phylum: Porifera Grant,1836

Class: Hexactinellida Schmidt , 1870

Order: Reticulosa Reid , 1958

Family: Protospongiidae Hinde , 1887

Genus: Paradiagoniella Chen, Muller, Hou and xiao , 2014 

Specie: Paradiagoniella conica , Chen and Hou , 2019


It is long conical and has a sharp base. The body wall is thin, and hexactines, stauractines and diactines are interspersed to form a reticular skeleton. The grade of stauractines is not obvious, and the ray length of the two pairs of stauractines is same. Diactines are generally in two directions: one group is parallel to the long axis of the cavernous body and the other is oblique to the body axis. The cavernous body is smooth with roots, but without marked dermalia-spicules.

The whole body is 44mm high and 15mm wide, in a long cone. The bottom is sharp and gradually widens to the top, shrinks at the water outlet, and  long diactines are exposed at the mouth, with a length of 2.3 ~ 4.8mm and a diameter of 0.044 ~ 0.050mm, which may be the prostalia marginalia. The base of the cavernous body is extended by long diactines and the ends are gathered together to form a sharp shape, possibly the prostalia basalia.

The largest spicules are hexactines, and the peripheral stauractines are arranged in a square network. The arrangement of the hexactines is consistent with the direction of the body axis. Lengths of the four rays on the plane are equal, with a ray length of 1.1mm and a base diameter of 0.028mm.

The stauractines are smooth without decoration, and the end of the ray is sharp. The length of the cross stauractines is similar. The grade of stauractines is obvious, with two arrangement directions. The main group is parallel to the body axis, and the other group is inclined at about 45 degrees. Some of the ray tips of the horizontal group are connected and overlapped, and the inclined group is oblique to the spicules in the horizontal direction. According to the measurement of the exposed part, the stauractines has roughly three levels. The first level has a ray length of 1.2 ~ 1.5mm and a base diameter of 0.038 ~ 0.040mm; The secondary ray length is 0.6 ~ 0.8mm, and the base diameter is 0.035 ~ 0.038mm; The three-stage ray length is 0.3 ~ 0.4mm, and the base diameter is 0.025 ~ 0.030mm.

The diactines are roughly arranged in two directions, one group is obliquely intersected with the body axis of the cavernous body at a small angle, and the other group is parallel to the long axis of the body axis. According to the length, there are roughly two groups. 

The skew group is slightly longer, with a length of 4.2 ~ 6.5mm and a diameter of 0.060 ~ 0.090mm. The approximately parallel group has a length of 1.5 ~ 2.7mm and a diameter of 0.040 ~ 0.050mm.

The prostalia basalias are obvious, and the four longitudinal diactines are slightly bent, with a length of 4.9 ~ 5.8mm and a diameter of 0.039 ~ 0.041mm, which extends to the base of the sponge body for about 2mm.



主要产地: 澄江生物群(云南澄江)

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series2, Stage3

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota (Yu’anshan Member of the Chiungchussu Formation),eastern Yunan Province,China


马海丹等.云南寒武纪早期澄江生物群中原始海绵科似斜纹海绵属新种[J].地质学报,2019,93(11):2715 2728.DOI:10.19762/j.cnki.dizhixuebao.2019263.

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