Sanshapentella tentoriformis



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 多孔动物门

纲: 六放海绵纲





       海绵的整个身体可以分为两部分:一个结实的树干和一个由四个帐篷状的高峰组成的树冠。总高度为70毫米,其中树干高42.5毫米,宽28毫米,而树冠在最宽的区域宽50毫米。树冠的四个锥形分支(锥体高度分别为9、12.5、20和22 mm)可分为两对(左和右),这两对在两侧近似对称。


       除两个小(幼年)标本外,骨针按大小可分为三级。第一级是皮层五射针,射长5至19mm;它们每一个都是一个圆锥形分支的整体框架。五射针的旁切射线长8-13.5mm,直径0.1mm,沿着每个树枝的表面排列,让人联想起宝塔帐篷的框架。向外指向的短射退化,长度不超过0.5mm,形成分支的顶点。第二级,射长大多为2.5–7.5 mm,由一系列分散在体表的较小皮层五射针和基质十字骨针(可能还有一些六放体)组成。小的皮层五射针的旁切射长为2.5-3.5毫米;十字骨针的射长为3–5.5 mm。第三级通常尺寸较小,射长为1–3 mm,包括骨骼网中的大多数三射针、十字骨针和双尖针。第二级十字骨针似乎具有斜穿过海绵体主轴的射,基质骨针的排列相对不规则。


Phylum: Porifera Grant,1836

Class:  Hexactinellida Schmidt, 1870


Family: uncertain

Genus:Sanshapentella Mehl and Erdtmann, 1994

Specie: Sanshapentella tentoriformis sp. nov. 2022


The complete body of the sponge can be subdivided into two parts: a stout trunk and a crown composed of four tent-like high peaks (named as conical branches). The total height of the holotype is 70 mm, in which the trunk is 42.5 mm high. The trunk is 28 mm in width while the crown is 50 mm wide at the widest region. The four conical branches (heights of the cones are 9, 12.5, 20 and 22 mm, respectively) of the crown can be grouped into two pairs (left pair and right pair), and these two pairs are approximately bilaterally symmetrical to each other. 

Two morphological series of spicules are recognized, including dermal pentactines that partly protrude out from the body and abundant substrate spicules that form the dense skeletal mesh. The dermal pentactines are quadripod-shaped, composed of a short ray pointing outwards and four long paratangential rays that bend towards the body. The substrate spicules, including diactines, stauractines, hexactines and hexactine-derived pentactines, are densely distributed and interlaced in both the trunk and the conical branches.
The spicules can be classified into three ranks by size. The first rank, ranging from 5 to 19 mm except in two small (juvenile) specimens, are the particularly large dermal pentactines; each of them serves as an overall framework of a conical branch. Paratangential rays of the large pentactines in the holotype, 8–13.5 mm in length and 0.1 mm in diameter, are arranged along the surface of each branch, reminiscent of the frame of a pagoda tent. The outward- pointing short rays are degenerated and no more than 0.5 mm long, forming the apex of the branch. The second rank, mostly 2.5–7.5 mm in size, is represented by a series of smaller dermal pentactines and substrate stauractines (and maybe some hexactines) that are scattered on the body surface. The paratangential rays of the small dermal pentactines  are 2.5–3.5 mm in length; and the tangential rays of the stauractines are 3–5.5 mm in length. The third rank, 1–3 mm in size, includes most substrate triaxons, stauractines and diactines in the skeletal mesh that generally have a small size. The arrangement of the substrate spicules is relatively irregular, though the second-rank stauractines seem to have rays usually obliquely crossing the main axis of the sponge body. Additionally, the conical branches framed by large dermal pentactines, as well as small triaxons, are not only observed on the bedding surface of sediments but also revealed inside the rock samples and some of the spicules are preserved three-dimensionally.



主要产地: 清江生物群(湖北宜昌)

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series2, Stage3

Principal localities: Qingjiang biota (Shuijingtuo Formation), Hubei Province,China


Yun, Hao et al.(2022). Adaptive specialization of a unique sponge body from the Cambrian Qingjiang biota. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 289. 20220804.

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