Yunnanozoon lividum



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 未定

纲: 未定

目: 未定

科: 未定


种: 铅色云南虫




Phylum: uncertain

Class: uncertain

Order: uncertain

Family: uncertain

Genus:Yunnanozoon Hou, Ramsköld & Bergström, 1991

Specie: Yunnanozoon lividum Hou, Ramsköld & Bergström, 1991


Seven paired filamentous arches in the anterior part of the body; each rod exhibiting at least one linear structure. A ventral rod small circular structures are present in the filamentous arches. Sac‐like structures lie exterior to the arches, with openings to the exterior between them. The dominant feature of the posterior part of the body, termed the dorsal repetitive units, is an elongate, semi‐circular structure made up of subrectangular subunits. The posterior‐most subunit of this structure bears a small posterior projection; the anterior‐most subunit has a distinctive triangular morphology. Ventral to the dorsal repetitive units is an anteroposteriorly oriented axial zone exhibiting transverse stripes. At approximately mid‐length, close to the ventral margin, a series of four, paired circular structures occurs. The ventral side of the body, from midlength posteriorly, also bears a ventral tube that in some specimens appears coiled.



主要产地: 中国云南澄江生物群。

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian, Series 2, Stage 3

Principal localities: The Chengjiang Lagerstaätte, Yunnan Province, China.


Shu, D.G., Zhang, X.L., and Chen, L. 1996. Reinterpretation of Yunnnaozoon as the earliest known hemichordate. Nature, 380, 428-430.

Cong, P.Y. et al. 2015. New data on the palaeobiology of the enigmatic Yunnanozoans from the Chengjiang biota, lower Cambrian, China. Palaeontology, 58:1, 45-70.

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