Houcaris saron



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 节肢动物门(干群)


科: 筛虾科


种: 帚状侯氏虾


       帚状侯氏虾目前仅保存有前附肢,其它身体部分未知。前附肢长度范围为1.7至12厘米。前附肢共 16 个肢节,包括 3 个基节和 13 个螯节;基部拉长且近似矩形,其高度大于螯部的高度;第 2 基节发育小的腹边缘刺;第 2 螯节至第 8 螯节近于正方形,第 9 螯节至第 12 螯节为矩形,其长度大于高度;第 1 内叶呈刀片状并向远腹端弯曲;第 2 内叶至第 12 内叶呈拉长杆状,其长度是所在螯节高度的 1.7 倍;内叶长短交替排列,其奇数螯节上的长于偶数螯节上的;第 2 内叶至第 12 内叶发育两根后辅助刺;第 2 内叶至第 8 内叶发育 5 根前辅助刺,第 9 内叶至第 11 内叶则发育 2 根前辅助刺;内叶末端的辅助刺比基部的辅助刺更加细长;第 10 螯节至第12 螯节各发育一根背刺向远体端伸展;第 13 螯节发育一根背刺、一根端刺以及一对次级背刺。其它身体部分不明。


Phylum: (stem-group) Arthropoda von Siebold, 1848

Order: Radiodonta Collins, 1996

Family: Tamisiocaridids Pates and Daley, 2019

Genus: Houcaris Wu, Fu, Ma, Lin, Sun & Zhang, 2021

Species: Houcaris saron Hou, Bergström & Ahlberg, 1995


This taxon is only known from isolated frontal appendages consisting of 16 podomeres, including three peduncle podomeres and 13 claw podomeres. The appendages range in length from 1.7 cm to at least 12 cm. Claw podomere 2 to 8 (P2–P8) nearly square, P9–P12 rectangular and much longer than height; endites on P2–P8 (En2–En8) at least one and a half times as long as the height of the associated podomeres, and bear 5 distal auxiliary spines and 2 proximal auxiliary spines; auxiliary spines near the base part of endite are shorter; En1 stout and ventro-distally curved; two smaller setules projected from distal ventral surface of each claw podomere; P10–P13 project paired elongate dorsal spines arching forward; P13 also bearing one terminal spine and a pair of secondary dorsal spines. Other body parts unknown.



主要产地: 中国云南东部澄江生物群,包括晋宁县二街镇,海口区域的耳材村、尖山、马房。

Age & Localities

Period: Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3, Eoredlichia-Wutingaspis Zone (ca. 518 million years ago).

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota (Yu’anshan Member of the Chiungchussu Formation), eastern Yunnan Province, China, including Erjie at Jinning county, Ercai, Jianshan, Mafang at Haikou area.


Wu, Y. et al., 2021. Houcaris gen. nov. from the early Cambrian (Stage 3) Chengjiang Lagerstätte expanded the palaeogeographical distribution of tamisiocaridids (Panarthropoda: Radiodonta). PalZ 95, 209–221.

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