Lenisicaris lupata



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 节肢动物门(干群)


科: 奇虾科


种: 狼牙光滑虾


       狼牙光滑虾目前仅保存有前附肢,其它身体部分未知。前附肢细长,向远体端逐渐变尖,发育 3 个基节和 13 个螯节;近体端螯节近似正方形;第 1 螯节至第 12 螯节各发育一对内叶;内叶两端光滑不发育辅助刺,奇数螯节上的内叶长度大于偶数螯节;内叶长度与所在螯节的高度近似相等,向远体端逐渐变短;第 10 螯节至第 12 螯节背边缘各发育一根背刺;第 13 螯节发育一根背刺和一根端刺。其它身体部分不明。


Phylum: (stem-group) Arthropoda von Siebold, 1848

Order:Radiodonta Collins, 1996

Family: Anomalocarididae Raymond, 1935

Genus:Lenisicaris Wu, Ma, Lin, Sun, Zhang & Fu, 2021

Species: Lenisicaris lupata Wu, Ma, Lin, Sun, Zhang & Fu, 2021

Description: Lenisicaris lupata is known from isolated frontal appendages that have 15 podomeres, including two base podomeres and 13 claw podomeres; proximal claw podomeres nearly square; claw podomere 1 to 12 (P1 to P12) bearing a pair of simple endites lacking auxiliary spines projecting from the ventral surface; endites as long as the height of the claw podomeres they attach to; elongate dorsal spines projecting forward from the dorsal margin of P10 to P12; P13 bears one dorsal spine and one terminal spine giving distal extremity a forked appearance. Other body parts unknown.



主要产地: 中国云南东部澄江生物群,包括海口马房、尖山和云龙寺,晋宁县二街镇。

Age & Localities

Period: Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3, Eoredlichia-Wutingaspis Zone (ca. 518 million years ago).

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota (Yu’anshan Member of the Chiungchussu Formation), eastern Yunnan Province, China, including Mafang, Jianshan, and Yunlongsi at Haikou area, Erjie at Jinning area.


Wu, Y., Ma, J.-X., Lin, W.-L., Sun, A., Zhang, X.-L., Fu, D.-J., 2021. New anomalocaridids (Panarthropoda, Radiodonta) from the lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, Biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic implications. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 569, 110333.

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