Lyrarapax unguispinus



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 节肢动物门(干群)


科: 抱怪虫科


种: 刺钳里拉虫


       体长1.8厘米至8厘米。 头部由一个前壳,一对侧壳,一对大的柄状眼、一对前附肢和一个辐射状口锥构成。 前头甲呈椭圆形。 柄状眼大且拉长,在轮廓上近三角形,茎部粗壮。 前附肢由1个基节和11个爪节构成。第一爪节上的内叶粗壮且呈长片状,其前边缘发育7根短的辅助刺。其余爪节上的内叶较短且成对出现,前后边缘都发育1至2根数量不等的辅助刺。内叶整体上从近体端到远体端逐渐变短,并且奇数节上的内叶长度大于偶数节。远体端爪节的背部边缘发育短粗的背刺。口器呈圆形,由一系列口板呈辐射状排列,包括4个相互垂直排列的表面带有瘤点的大口板以及一系列夹在大口板之间的小口板,其排列方式类似于Hurdia和Peytoia的口器。头部和躯干部被一个明显的颈部区域分开。颈部分为3或4节,其宽度相比于躯干较窄。 躯干由11个体节组成。 体节宽度依次减小,第1体节最大且宽度约为整个躯干长度的两倍。 最后一个体节发育尾扇,它由三对叶片组成。  


Phylum: (stem-group) Arthropoda von Siebold, 1848

Order: Radiodonta Collins, 1996

Family: Amplectobeluidae Pates, Daley, Edgecombe, Cong & Lieberman, 2021

Genus: Lyrarapax Cong, Ma, Hou, Edgecombe and Strausfeld, 2014

Species: Lyrarapax unguispinus Cong, Ma, Hou, Edgecombe and Strausfeld, 2014


The body ranges from 1.8 cm to 8 cm in length. Head region bears an anterior sclerite, a pair of lateral sclerites, a pair of stalked eyes and frontal appendages, and an oral cone. Anterior sclerite oval in outline. Stalked eyes are large and elongate, subtriangular in outline, prolonged anteromedially by short and robust stalk. Frontal appendage comprises one base podomere and 11 claw podomeres. Claw podomeres bear complex endites of alternating sizes. Endite on first claw podomere is hypertrophied and bears seven anterior auxiliary spines. Distal claw podomeres bear stout dorsal spines. The oral cone consists of many circumoral plates, including four large, perpendicularly arranged plates with surficial nodes. The head region and trunk are separated by a distinct neck region, which is composed of at least three, probably four narrow segments. Trunk region is semi-circular in outline, comprising eleven segments with laterally splayed flaps and a pair of caudal rami. Trunk segments are successively narrowing with first trunk segment being largest and about twice as wide as long. The last segment provides a tail fan, which consists of three pairs of blades.



主要产地: 中国云南东部澄江生物群海口地区的耳材村和马房。

Age & Localities

Period: Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3, Eoredlichia-Wutingaspis Zone (ca. 518 million years ago).

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota (Yu’anshan Member of the Chiungchussu Formation), Ercai and Mafang section, Haikou area, eastern Yunnan Province, China.


Cong, P.-Y., Ma, X.-Y., Hou, X.-G., Edgecombe, G.D., Strausfeld, N.J., 2014. Brain structure resolves the segmental affinity of anomalocaridid appendages. Nature 513, 538–542.

Liu, J.-N., Lerosey-Aubril, R., Steiner, M., Dunlop, J.A., Shu, D.-G., Paterson, J.R., 2018. Origin of raptorial feeding in juvenile euarthropods revealed by a Cambrian radiodontan. National Science Review 5, 863–869.

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