Kunmingella douvillei



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 节肢动物门

纲: 未定


科: 昆明虫科

属: 小昆明虫属

种: 朵氏小昆明虫


       头甲前背叶宽阔,向后延伸逐渐变窄至呈微弱新月状。头甲从瓣壳中心延伸至后背角前端。宽而浅的凹陷发生在前背叶和后背叶之间,最深的在背中部。前后背角之间有低而窄的侧边缘脊。瓣壳光滑呈粒状。通过附肢的排列方向可区分出标本的头部和躯干:躯干上附肢朝向后方,头部附肢反之。标本有十个带有附肢的体节,头部和身体各五个,每一节都只带有一对附肢,附肢基部保存不完整。成体躯干最宽处为1.5mm并且从第六节之后变窄。二至八节轴向上通常有0.5mm长。最后面几节,包括小的倒三角形尾节, 一起形成了圆锥状的躯干末端,其范围伸出了头甲后边缘。一对侧眼位于头甲背侧前端,其与躯干连接处位于触角前方。第一对附肢是单肢型附肢,大约2.5mm长,远端逐渐变窄,由五节组成,远端三节向前伸出头甲。最远端肢节的外边缘有五到六跟短而硬的刚毛。第二到第四个肢节内边缘存在肢节内叶,且至少第三和第四节的内叶上带有张开的刚毛。第二至第八对附肢均为双肢型附肢。触角后四对头部附肢可与躯干分节联系起来;每个内肢每一节的内侧均有单一伸长的肢内叶,但这与外肢是否被刚毛边修饰无关。第六到八节躯干附肢的内肢上均为单一肢内叶,外肢外边缘上有向远端逐渐加长的刚毛。第九和第十对附肢为单肢型。第九对附肢较细,后端延伸超出头甲2mm(远端刺状结构不计入长度)。它包括至少五节,每节大约0.5-0.75mm长,且每节内表面都长有刚毛;相邻肢节呈膝状弯曲。第十对附肢约1mm长,至少由三节肢节组成,每一节都长有短而硬的刚毛,最远端肢节则有至少六条刚毛。


Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: uncertain


Family: Kunmingellidae


Specie: Kunmingella douvillei


Shield with a broad anterodorsal lobe; posterior lobe elongate, straight to weakly crescent shaped, tapering, extends from just behind valve centre to immediately in front of the posterior cardinal corner.Broad, shallow depression occurs between anterodorsal and posterior lobes, deepest mid-dorsally. A low, narrow latero-admarginal ridge is entire between cardinal corners. Valves smooth to finely granulose.The assumed division between the head and the trunk is indicated by the disposition of appendages: trunk appendages point backwards, head appendages forward. The body has 10 limb-bearing segments, five each in the head and the trunk, each bearing a single pair of appendages, the limb bases of which are not preserved.The adult body has a maximum width of about 1.5 mm and narrows posteriorly from the sixth segment. Segments 2–8 are typically 0.5 mm long axially.The posteriormost segments, including the tiny triangular-shaped tailpiece, form a cone-shaped termination to the trunk that protrudes beyond the posterior margin of the shield.A pair of lateral eyes occurs just in front of the insertion point of the first appendage (antenna) at the site of the anterodorsal node of the shield.The first, uniramous appendage is about 2.5 mm long, tapers distally and consists of five podomeres, of which typically the distal three protrude beyond the shield anteriorly.There are five to six short, stiff setae on the outer and distal edges of the distal-most podomere.Podomeres 2–4, at least, each have an endite distally on their inner margins, with the endite of at least the third and fourth podomeres bearing splays of setae.Appendages 2-8 are biramous.The four post-antennal cephalic appendages can each be traced back to a discrete body segment; each endopod bears a single elongate endite on the inner margin of each podomere, but it cannot be determined whether any of the exopods are fringed by marginal setae (as is the case with the exopods of the trunk appendages). Each endopod of trunk appendages 6–8 has a single endite on (possibly the inner margin of) each podomere and each exopod bears stiff and distally progressively longer setae on its distal outer and inner margins.The ninth and tenth pairs of appendages are uniramous.The ninth appendage is narrow,elongate, about 2 mm long excluding the short terminal ‘claw-like’ structure and posteriorly it projects well beyond the shield. It comprises at least five podomeres, each about 0.5–0.75 mm long, with setae originating from the inner surface of each podomere;adjacent podomeres are geniculate. The tenth appendage is about 1 mm long and consists of at least three podomeres each bearing short, stiff setae, at least six of which occur on the distal-most podomere.



主要产地: 中国南部云南省澄江地区和昆明地区海口镇,澄江生物群

Age & Localities

Age:Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3,Yu’anshan Member, Heilinpu Formation

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota (Haikou,Kunming area and Chengjiang area, Yunnan Province, South China)


Yanhong Duan,2014.Reproductive strategy of the bradoriid arthropod Kunmingella douvillei from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, South China.Gondwana Research,Volume 25, Issue 3,pp.983-990.

Xianguang Hou,2010.Soft-part anatomy of the Early Cambrian bivalved arthropods Kunyangella and Kunmingella: significance for the phylogenetic relationships of Bradoriida.Royal Society,Volume 277 Issue 1689.

Dayou Zhai,2019.Variation in appendages in early Cambrian bradoriids reveals a wide range of body plans in stem-euarthropods. Communications Biology,Volume 2,Article number: 329.

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