Yawunik kootenayi



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 节肢动物门

纲: 大附肢纲

目: 林乔利虫目

科: 林乔利虫科


种: 库特奈海妖虫


       标本平均长度(包含大附肢)大约95.4 mm±21.2; 平均高度大约22.3 mm±4.1.共分为17节,其中头甲分4节,胸甲分12节以及有一个尾节.头甲轴向长度约占身体总长的1/4;比最前端的胸甲稍微宽阔; 边缘光滑并且缺少背部隆线.有两对共四只眼睛,眼柄退化较严重,四只眼睛均位于头部最前端: 两只侧眼稍大,位于背部前端中间的两只眼睛较小,后者方向朝前且位于侧眼前方,并且彼此相距比至侧眼的距离更近。头甲上共四对附肢,最前端一对不同于其他附肢的称为大附肢,其后两对附肢退化严重且鲜为人知–其中第一对要比第二对更短,还有一对类似躯干上附肢,为双肢型且发育完全。躯干除去尾节分还为十二节。当身体笔直时背甲轴部大约有1/4节长的部分重叠,肋部发育完全并且有相似的重叠发生;最后几节弯曲幅度稍微增加;倒数第三节体节肋部轮廓似裙摆且外端角度圆滑(其他体节肋部外端都有锋利的尖角); 倒数第二节肋部作锋刃状指向后部; 最后一节无肋部,它的脊柱紧贴外皮。躯干上附肢从第2至12节均为关节硬化的双肢型附肢,可分为一个大的基节,一个外肢和一个桨状的内肢。与背甲肋部相似,附肢尺寸向后逐渐减小,从体长的2/9到高度退化(第十节); 第十一节和十二节的内肢结构暂未被发现。尾节轴向上大约占身体总长的1/6,由倒三角形的尾部基节和尾叶两部分组成。


Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Megacheira


Family: Leanchoiliidae


Specie: Yawunik kootenayi


Average length (excluding ‘great appendages’):95.4 mm±21.2; average height: 22.3 mm±4.1. Body 17-segmented with four-segmented cephalon, 12 thoracic segments and a telson.Length of cephalic shield ca. one-quarter of total body length; slightly wider than anteriormost thoracic segments; margins smooth and devoid of dorsal carinae.Four eyes, all with very reduced peduncles and all located in the anteriormost portion of the head: two larger antero-lateral eyes and two smaller antero-dorso-medial eyes, the latter oriented forward, located in front of the larger eyes and slightly closer together than they are to lateral eyes.Four pairs of cephalic appendages: an anterior highly differentiated pair of multichelate appendages (‘great

appendages’), two pairs of reduced and poorly known appendages–the first pair probably much shorter than the second–and a pair of trunk-like fully developed biramous appendages.Trunk divided into 12 segments, excluding telson. Tergo-sternites overlapping for approximately one-quarter of their length when body is straight forming a short spine postero-medially.Pleurae well-developed,similarly overlapping, decreasing in size antero-posteriorly;slight increase in curvature within the posteriormost segments; antepenultimate trunk segment with pleurae forming a ‘skirt’in outline with a rounded posterior angle, while other pleurae have sharp posterior angles; penultimate trunk segment with pleurae as sharp ‘blades’ pointed posteriorly; last trunk segment without pleurae,its spine appressed against the cuticle.Appendages from segments 2 to 12 arthrodized and biramous.Divided into a large basipod, an endopod and a paddle-shaped exopod. Similar to pleurae, appendages decreasing in size posteriorward, from long (>2/9th of body length) to highly reduced (segment 10) or vestigial; endopods of segments 11 and 12 unknown. Telson ca. one-sixth of body length, bipartite,composed of an articulating socket and flat telsal blade.



主要产地: 加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省库特奈国家公园大理石峡谷,布尔吉斯生物群

Age & Localities

Age:Middle Cambrian (Series 3, Stage 5), upper part of the ‘thick’ Stephen Formation (Burgess Shale)

Principal localities: Burgess biota(Marble Canyon,Kootenay National Park, British Columbia)


Cédric Aria,Jean-Bernard Caron and Robert Gaines,2015.A large new leanchoiliid from the Burgess Shale and the influence of inapplicable states on stem arthropod phylogeny.Palaeontology,Volume58, Issue4,pp.629-660.

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