Glypharthrus trispinicaudatus

Glypharthrus trispinicaudatus


3D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior


门: 节肢动物门

纲: 易尾纲



属: Glypharthrus

种: trispinicaudatus


       头甲轮廓为半圆形,后缘向背轴微微弯曲,与外缘相交形成颊刺。宽而浅的 S 形后沟从眼叶区的后缘延伸向头甲外缘,但并未接触到边缘,并以此界定了向后加宽的后缘区域。背部具有无柄的眼,狭长且呈肾形。眼区的后部相当高,并向前内侧延伸为坚固的“眼脊”。眼叶区域的轮廓很明显,但不具有实际的沟纹。




Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Vicissicaudata

Order: Aglaspidida

Family: uncertain

Genus: Glypharthrus

Specie: trispinicaudatus


The cephalon is semi-circular in outline. Posterior margin gently curves forwards abaxially, where it intersects with the lateral margins to form acute genal angles. Wide, shallow, sigmoidal posterior furrows run from the posterior margin of the glabellar region towards the lateral cephalic margins without reaching them, thus delimiting posterior borders that widen abaxially. The sessile dorsal eyes are narrow, elongate  and kidney-shaped. They are rather high posteriorly, but extend anteromedially as robust ‘eye ridges’. The outline of a glabellar region is obvious, but not actual furrows.

The trunk region comprises twelve tergites that are articulated. It bears a thin ridge that runs subparallel to its entire anterior margin, and separates an articulating platform anteriorly.

Three elongate structures project from its posterior margin – they are straight, unsegmented, and narrow distally. Apparently none of them are complete distally, but one is slightly larger and three times longer than the other two. These other two spiniform structures have similar widths and lengths, and therefore likely represent a pair. These three structures are regarded as a telson and paired rami



主要产地: 华南广西壮族自治区西部靖西县

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Furongian

Principal localities: Jingxi County, western Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, South China


Lerosey-Aubril R, Zhu X, Ortega-Hernández J. The Vicissicaudata revisited–insights from a new aglaspidid arthropod with caudal appendages from the Furongian of China[J]. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 1-18.

Legg D A, Sutton M D, Edgecombe G D. Arthropod fossil data increase congruence of morphological and molecular phylogenies[J]. Nature communications, 2013, 4(1): 1-7.

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