Pygmaclypeatus daziensis



3D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior


门: 节肢动物门

纲: 类肢纲

目: 未定

科: 未定

属: 小盾形虫

种: 达子小盾形虫




Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Artiopoda

Order: uncertain

Family: uncertain


Specie: daziensis


Small artiopod with dorsoventrally flattened exoskeleton, broader than long. Dorsal exoskeleton with poorly defined axial region without clearly developed axial furrows. Cephalon short, covering widely conterminant hypostome, uniramous antennae, and four appendage pairs. Trunk consists of six freely articulating tergites, each covering a single appendage pair. Pygidium nearly isopygous, covering four appendage pairs, and short multiarticulated tailspine. All post-antennal appendages biramous, consisting of protopodite, endopodite with five podomeres, and exopodite.


时代: 寒武系第二统第三阶

主要产地: 澄江生物群,中国,云南

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series 2 Stage 3

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota, Yunnan, China


Schmidt M, Hou X, Zhai D, et al. Before trilobite legs: Pygmaclypeatus daziensis reconsidered and the ancestral appendicular organization of Cambrian artiopods[J]. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2022, 377(1847): 20210030.

Zhang X, Han J, Shu D. A new arthropod Pygmaclypeatus daziensis from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, South China[J]. Journal of Paleontology, 2000, 74(5): 979-982.

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