Sinoburius lunaris



3D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior


门: 节肢动物门

纲: 类肢纲

目: 未定

科: 未定

属: 中华疑虫属

种: 中华疑虫



       成虫体型小,最大的长约1.2厘米。中华疑虫具有呈新月形的宽阔头甲,向后延伸到躯干两侧的颊刺。一对大而具柄的椭圆形复眼,位于头甲内侧的外骨骼凸起中。在推定的触角后,头部至少横出四对较长的双肢型附肢。躯干包括 7 个体节,后面有一个轮廓分明的尾甲,在其每一侧的边缘都有两个侧刺,并在轴部具有一个长的尾刺作为末端。


Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Artiopoda

Order: uncertain

Family: uncertain

Genus: Sinoburius

Specie: lunaris


Sinoburius lunaris is the only known species of this genus, and specimens are rare. The exoskeleton lacked mineralization. Its overall morphology, with a head shield, thorax, and tail shield, and with clear axial and pleural regions, is reminiscent of trilobites.

Adults are small, the largest being about 1.2 cm long. S. lunaris has a broad, overall crescent‐shaped head shield that is extended posteriorly into genal spines that flank the trunk. It possesses a pair of large, stalked, oval‐shaped compound eyes, which are accommodated in exoskeleton bulges mediolaterally on the head shield. Behind putative antennae there are at least four pairs of long, laterally directed biramous appendages in the head. The trunk comprises seven tergites, and posteriorly there is a single well‐defined tail shield bearing two lateral spines on each side of its margin, and terminated by a long axial spine.


时代: 寒武系第二统第三阶

主要产地: 澄江生物群,中国,云南

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series 2 Stage 3

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota, Yunnan, China


Chen X, Ortega-Hernández J, Wolfe J M, et al. The appendicular morphology of Sinoburius lunaris and the evolution of the artiopodan clade Xandarellida (Euarthropoda, early Cambrian) from South China[J]. BMC evolutionary biology, 2019, 19(1): 1-20.

Xian-Guang H, Siveter D J, Siveter D J, et al. The Cambrian fossils of Chengjiang, China: The flowering of early animal life[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.

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