Skioldia aldna



3D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior

2D animatior


门: 节肢动物门

纲: 易尾纲

目: 融背目

科: 未定

属: Skioldia

种: 古盾形虫


       古盾形虫是一种稀有物种,最大的超过 10 厘米长。




Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Vicissicaudata

Order: Cheloniellida

Family: uncertain

Genus: Skioldia

Specie: aldna


Skioldia aldna is a rare species, the largest of which are over 10 cm long.

The dorsal exoskeleton is fused into a single, broadly suboval‐shaped shield much of which is bordered by tiny spines. It is mostly featureless apart from a weakly defined axis and furrows that demarcate some 13 segments that meet edge‐to‐edge and are lost at the margin. The middle (thoracic) part of the exoskeleton has about nine segments, whose boundaries are longer than those on the putative head and tail regions. A pair of eyes occurs close to the anterior margin, adjacent to a well‐developed axial sclerite (rostral plate) behind which there is a putative hypostome. The multisegmented antenna curves back under the exoskeleton. It is succeeded by paired biramous appendages under each segment, as seen impressed on the dorsal surface of the exoskeleton.

Skioldia is known only from one species and the Chengjiang biota.


时代: 寒武系第二统第三阶

主要产地: 澄江生物群,中国,云南

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series 2 Stage 3

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota, Yunnan, China


Xian-Guang H., Siveter D. J., Siveter D. J., et al. The Cambrian fossils of Chengjiang, China: The flowering of early animal life[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2017.

Legg D. A., Sutton M. D., Edgecombe G. D.. Arthropod fossil data increase congruence of morphological and molecular phylogenies[J]. Nature communications, 2013, 4(1): 1-7.

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