Eoredlichia intermediata



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门: 节肢动物门 von Siebold, 1848

纲: 三叶虫纲 Walch, 1771

目: 莱德利基虫目 Richter, 1932

科: 莱德利基虫科 Poulsen, 1927

属: 始莱德利基虫属 Chang, 1950

种: 中间型始莱德利基虫 Lu, 1940





Phylum: Arthropoda von Siebold, 1848

Class: Trilobita Walch, 1771

Order: Redlichiida Richter, 1932

Family: Redlichiidae Poulsen, 1927

Genus: Eoredlichia Chang, 1950

Specie: Eoredlichia intermediata Lu, 1940


Dorsal exoskeleton: adult dorsal exoskeleton may reach 12 cm long and looks oval in the whole shape. The head shield has a forwardly tapering glabella that is well rounded anteriorly. In front of the occipital ring, which is longest medially and which shows weak lateral lobes, the first glabellar furrow runs backward and inward before turning transversely across the central glabellar area; the second and third glabellar furrow is weaker. The preglabellar field and the anterior border are subequally long. A pair of tumor exists between the posterior of fixigena and the first glabellar lobe.A long, moderately curved cheek spine extends to at least the posterior part of the thorax. The anterior branch of the facial sutures diverge at about 80 degrees, with the posterior suture meeting the posterior margin. The hypostome and rostral plate attach beneath the anterior glabellar margin. Large crescentic eyes reach posteriorly to the neck furrow. Fifteen segments comprise the thorax; they are laterally spinose, and the ninth axial ring supports a very long posteriorly directed spine. A very small tail shield is made up of two axial rings and a weak third, and the flank area shows two fused segments and associated furrows.

Appendages: Long, uniramous antennae diverge anteriorly from underneath the head shield; each consists of 46–50 short, spine‐bearing articles. Post‐antennal appendages are biramous, with three pairs beneath the head shield, one pair underneath each of the 15 thoracic segments, and probably three pairs under the tail shield. Each biramous limb is associated proximally with a stout basal unit, the basis. The endopod consists of seven podomeres, the most distal of which is divided into three claws. The basis bears short, spinose endites on its inner margin, together with more sparse long ventral spines, and the endopod podomeres also support spines. The exopod consists of a blade‐like shaft that bears some 40 long filaments, and a distal lobe fringed with short bristles. The proximal part of the exopod is attached to the basis by a hinge joint, and the proximal part of the first podomere of the endopod is also attached to it.



主要产地: 云南省澄江动物群及其周边产地。


Age & Localities


Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3, Eoredlichia-Wutingaspis Zone (approximately 521 million years ago).

Principal localities:

Chengjiang, Yunnan Province and its surrounding localities.

Brief description:

The most common trilobite with soft anatomy in Chengjiang.


Hou, X.G. et al. 2004. The Cambrian fossils of Chengjiang, China: the flowering of early animal life (Vol. 233). Oxford: Blackwell.

Hou, X.G. et al. 2008. Appendages of early Cambrian Eoredlichia (Trilobita) from the Chengjiang biota, Yunnan, China. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 99(3-4), 213-223.

Shu, D.G. et al. 1995. Redlichiacean trilobites with preserved soft‐parts from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang Fauna (South China). In: Geyer, G. and Landing, E. (eds), Morocco ’95, The Lower‐Middle Cambrian standard of Western Gondwana, 203–241. Beringia Special Issue 2.

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