Opabinia regalis



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 节肢动物门

纲: 恐虾纲


科: 欧巴宾海蝎科

属: 欧巴宾海蝎属

种: 皇室欧巴宾海蝎




Phylum: Arthropoda

Class: Dinocaridida


Family: Opabiniidae

Genus: Opabinia

Specie: O.regalis


The length of Opabinia regalis from head (excluding proboscis) to tail end ranged between 4 centimetres (1.6 in) and 7 centimetres (2.8 in).One of the most distinctive characters of Opabinia is the hollow proboscis, whose total length was about one-third of the body's and projected down from under the head.The proboscis was striated like a vacuum cleaner's hose and flexible, and it ended with a claw-like structure whose terminal edges bore 5 spines that projected inwards and forwards.The bilateral symmetry and lateral arrangement of the claw suggest it represent a pair of fused frontal appendages, comparable to those of radiodonts and gilled lobopodians. The head bore five stalked eyes: two near the front and fairly close to the middle of the head, pointing upwards and forwards; two larger eyes with longer stalks near the rear and outer edges of the head, pointing upwards and sideways; and a single eye between the larger pair of stalked eyes, pointing upwards. It has been assumed that the eyes were all compound, like other arthropods' lateral eyes,but this reconstruction, which is not backed up by any evidence,is "somewhat fanciful".The mouth was under the head, behind the proboscis, and pointed backwards, so that the digestive tract formed a U-bend on its way towards the rear of the animal. The proboscis appeared sufficiently long and flexible to reach the mouth.The main part of the body was typically about 5 millimetres (0.20 in) wide and had 15 segments, on each of which there were pairs of flaps (lobes) pointing downwards and outwards.The flaps overlapped so that the front of each was covered by the rear edge of the one ahead of it. The body ended with what looked like a single conical segment bearing three pairs of overlapping tail fan blades that pointed up and out, forming a tail like a V-shaped double fan.



主要产地: 伯吉斯页岩动物群(不列颠哥伦比亚省的加拿大落基山脉)

Age & Localities

Age: The Burgess Shale member,Stephen Formation,Middle Cambrian,Pagetia bootes faunule of the Bathyuriscus-Elrathina Zone

Principal localities: The Burgess Shale fauna (the Canadian Rockies of British Columbia)


Harry Blackmore Whittington,1975.The enigmatic animal Opabinia regalis, middle Cambrian, Burgess Shale, British Columbia.The Royal Society,Volume 271,Issue 910.

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