Paucipodia inermis



3D animation

2D animation

2D animation

2D animation


门: 叶足动物门

纲: 异虫纲

目: 始有爪目

科: 贫腿虫科

属: 贫腿虫属

种: 无饰贫腿虫




Phylum: Lobopodia

Class: Xenusia

Order: Archonychophora

Family: Paucipodiidae

Genus: Paucipodia

Specie: P.inermis


This animal is one of the largest Cambrian xenusians so far known. Specimens are preserved in a light brown to pinkish color and strongly flattened against the yellow matrix, except for the occasional relief of the sediment filled parts of the gut or the leg attachment areas. The margin of all specimens of this soft-bodied animal is virtually sleek and clear. Only at higher magnication is there a slight wavy appearance indicating an annulation. The body is elongated and tapers towards both ends, and bears nine pairs of appendages ventrolaterally. A complete specimen is 125.0mm long and up to 4.9mm wide. The head is much narrower than the tail, and both ends taper towards the termination. The head is 2±3 times longer than wide. This ratio is less variable than the corresponding ratio for the tail. The appendage-bearing part is elongate and tapers slightly towards both ends. It can be divided into lobopod inter-spacings, measured as the distance between the centres of each circular area of lobopod attachment site. It is obvious that the lobopod inter-spacings are unequal in length, being largest in the middle. The trunk carries very fine annulations, about 4~5 annulations per millimetre, and the annulations near the head seem to be a little more numerous than in the middle part of the trunk. The trunk lacks dorsal plates. The lobopods are fairly long and taper successively toward the end. Those in the middle of the row are longer and sturdier than those towards the ends. Like the body, the lobopods are finely annulated. Each lobopod carries two claws, which become shorter toward both ends of the animal. The trunk extends beyond the legs at both ends, without a distinct boundary between the trunk, head, and tail sections of the body. P. inermis may have fed on living or dead Eldonia. Further evidence for this lifestyle is the occurrence of terminal claws on the limbs of P. inermis, which suggests that it was better adapted for climbing rather than walking. This species is only known from the Chengjiang biota.



主要产地: 中国云南省澄江生物群(筇竹寺组玉案山段)

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3, Eoredlichia-Wutingaspis Zone

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota (Yu’anshan Member of Chiungchussu Formation), eastern Yunnan Province, China


Xian-guang Hou,2007.The lobopodian Paucipodia inermis from the Lower Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, Yunnan, China.Lethaia,Volume37, Issue3.

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