Fuxianospira gyrate








门: 绿藻

纲: 螺旋藻

: 螺旋藻

科: 螺旋藻

: 螺旋抚仙藻

种: 环圈螺旋抚仙藻

描述: 环圈螺旋抚仙藻由呈直径均匀的圆柱形细丝状,不分枝,其直径可达1.2毫米。藻丝体是紧密的螺旋状,因此在被压扁时,会呈现出串珠状外观。本种是澄江生物群中最丰富的藻类。有一些标本被命名为Yuknessia(Chen Jun‐yuan et al.1996;Hou et al.1999)。该属最初是根据中寒武纪伯吉斯页岩(Walcott 1919)中的Yuknessia simplex描述的,这种藻类的宏观形态类似于一些现代管状绿藻(Conway Morris&Robison 1988),现在被认为是羽鳃类(LoDuca et al.2015)。虽然环圈螺旋抚仙藻最初被描述为一种藻类,但一些学者现在认为这是一种粪化石(e.g., Steiner et al. 2005)


Phylum:  Chlorophyta

Class:  incertae sedis

Order: incertae sedis

Family:  incertae sedis


Specie: Fuxianospira gyrata

Description: Fuxianospira gyrata comprises an unbranched, cylindrical filament of uniform diameter that can reach 1.2 mm in size. It is tightly helicoidal along its length, and so when flattened has a beaded appearance. This species is the most abundant supposed alga of those occurring at Chengjiang. Some specimens, at least, have been figured under the name Yuknessia (Chen Jun‐yuan et al. 1996; Hou et al. 1999). That genus was described originally on the basis of the species Yuknessia simplex from the Middle Cambrian Burgess Shale (Walcott 1919), the macroscopic form of which resembles some modern tubular green algae (Conway Morris & Robison 1988) but is now thought to be a pterobranch (LoDuca et al. 2015). Although originally described as an alga, F. gyrata is now regarded by some authors as a coprolite (e.g., Steiner et al. 2005).



主要产地: 中国云南省东部澄江生物群(玉案山段黑林铺组)

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3

Principal localities: Chengjiang biota(Yu’anshan Member of the Heilinpu Formation), eastern Yunnan Province, China


Chen Jun‐yuan & Erdtmann, B.D. 1991. Lower Cambrian lagerstätte from Chengjiang, Yunnan, China: Insights for reconstructing early metazoan life. In: Simonetta, A.M. &References 295 Conway Morris, S. (eds), The Early Evolution of Metazoa and the Significance of Problematic Taxa, 57–76. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Chen Jun‐yuan & Erdtmann, B.D. 1991. Lower Cambrian lagerstätte from Chengjiang, Yunnan, China: Insights for reconstructing early metazoan life. In: Simonetta, A.M. & References 295 Conway Morris, S. (eds), The Early Evolution of Metazoa and the Significance of Problematic Taxa, 57–76. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

 Chen Jun‐yuan & Zhou Gui‐qing. 1997. Biology of the Chengjiang fauna. Bulletin of the National Museum of Natural Science, 10, 11–106.

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