Qingjiangthallus cystocarpium sp. nov.








门: ?红藻

纲: 不确定


科: 不确定


种: 囊果清江藻

描述: 植物体包含分枝或不分枝的叶状体和固着器,叶状体有三种分枝方式:不对称分枝(分枝次数可达3次)、二歧式分枝(分枝次数可达2次)和侧分枝,分枝角度为20°-98°。分枝无柄、扁平、带状,通常在上部略微弯曲,顶部尖;宽度为1.2-4.0mm,高度可达10.4cm。对于不对称分枝和侧分枝的叶状体,主枝通常弯曲,比其他分枝略宽;一些叶状体的底部有可能具增生性的小枝,长度为1.4–3.7 cm。侧分枝向上生长,在叶状体的上部不规则排列。对于二歧式分支的叶状体,所有分枝宽度基本相同。固着器盘状或者球形,直径2.4–4.2 mm,没有假根或其他附器,每个固着器生有一到两个分枝。



Phylum: ?Rhodophyta

Class: uncertain


Family: uncertain

Genus:Qingjiangthallus gen. nov.

Specie: Qingjiangthallus cystocarpium sp. nov.

Description: Fronds consist of branched or unbranched thalli with a holdfast. Thalli branch sparsely or profusely in three different patterns, i.e., 1–3 times asymmetrically, 1–2 times dichotomously, and laterally branched patterns. Branching angles vary from 20° to 98°. Branches are flat, ribbon-shaped, without stipe, usually curved slightly upwards and sharpened at the tips. They vary from 1.2 mm to 4.0 mm in width, and are up to 10.4 cm tall. For asymmetrically and laterally branched thalli, the main branches are always curved and slightly wider than other branches. Some have one or more proliferous branchlets, which are 1.4–3.7 cm long and usually in the lower portion of thalli. Lateral branches grew upwards away from the insertion point, and are regularly arranged in the upper portion of thalli. For dichotomously branched thalli, all branches have almost the same width. Holdfasts are discoid or globose in shape, 2.4–4.2 mm in diameter, without rhizoids or any other appendage, and each bears one or two branches.

Dense dark spots are present on the surface of the whole thallus and numerous on most branches. Their density increases towards the tip of each branch, where they closely contact each other. Dark spots are elliptical to circular in outline, and show a moderate relief. They are variable in size, the major axis ranges from 246 μm to 838 μm, and the minor axis ranges from 189 μm to 653 μm.



主要产地: 中国湖北长阳,水井沱组津洋口剖面

Age & Localities

Age: Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3

Principal localities: The middle member of the Shuijingtuo Formation in the Jinyangkou Section, Changyang County, Hubei Province, China.


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